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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Whip Me

My jaw hit the table when I realized July 15
is the last time I posted here.

Whip me. Flame me. Throw marshmallows at

So what's new?

Lot's. Been too busy to get here and even
rant on.

The Black Book Workshop was awesome. If
you missed, man . . . YOU should be flogged,
but instead we'll call it even.

I blew the minds of some high-powered
money-makers. The called it the best
workshop they've been to all year.

Can you say "A HUGE launch is coming?"

It is.

The Black Book DVD's will hit the market
in January.

And I promise it will be worth every
penny. No fluff, no crap, no watered
down filler pitch-fest junk.

Pure money-making content that will
put a sledgehammer in your toolbox
of Internet marketing weaponry.

I'll warn you now. This is aggressive
material, previously unshared in the
civilized world.

If you want the ability to dominate,
humuliate and annhilate the pretender
punks in the marketplace - ANY market
place, then you need to put the Black
Book DVD's on your "must have list".

Something else is coming from .X.
sooner than the Black Book DVD's . . .
more on that when the time is right.
