AdWords Income
AdWords Income
I know most of us have purchased products and read a lot of hype about a lot of ways to make a fortune on the Internet. What I want to do here is to share practical experiences - that's going to include success stories. And, it's going to include flops.
Naturally I'm not going to share my business secrets - or more specifically the keywords I bid on or the programs I promote. But, I am willing to share what's working and what isn't.
A success tip . . .
What I've found to be most successful is bidding on keywords that are very specific. For example . . .
truck > ford > ford f150
You're going to have the most success going for "ford f150". You'll often find less competition for the more specific keywords that include a product name. Yet, that's also the searcher who knows most clearly what they want. That's a searcher who is most likely to buy.
You see, most people are conditioned to think "More traffic is good." To be successful with AdWords you should start with the thinking "Targeted traffic is good." I want to pay for as little traffic as possible that will buy as much product as possible.
When I go with these specific terms - and this can apply to any product - I almost always have a conversion rate of around 5%. That means out of every 100 clicks I pay for, 5 of those people buy. That's pretty darn good.
I have one program I promote that pays a $30 commission which provides me with income from $1100-1500 per month. I bid on the name of the program and the company name (careful, some companies forbade using trademarked names in your campaigns - but most don't).
A flop . . .
You really don't know until you've had about 300 clicks, whether or not something is going to be profitable or not. Last year I decided to expand out of my comfort zone and go after keyword terms related to "dental plans".
After finding that had an earnings per click of $45.00 (that's actually earnings per 100 clicks), I thought, hey this is a no-brainer. I pay .05 per click, or $5 per 100 clicks and I should make $45 in return.
So, I created an account with "Kanoodle" (a mistake?) and paid for 600 clicks. And I had ZERO sales??
What did I learn?
1. "dental plans" is probably too general of a keyword.
2. is not, in my opinion, a site that would convert very well - but they do have an EPC of $45.
3. I left the selling up to - you usually will have far better results if you create your own sales site as an intermediary. See The Abundance Course (my site) and Whispered Weight Loss Secrets (not my site) as good examples of affiliate sites that take on doing the selling themselves. By the way, I the got idea for going to this level with affiliate sales from Nitro Marketings Success Secrets of $100,000 per Year Affiliates - highly recommended reading for any affiliate marketer.
So there you have it.
Best wishes, John
I know most of us have purchased products and read a lot of hype about a lot of ways to make a fortune on the Internet. What I want to do here is to share practical experiences - that's going to include success stories. And, it's going to include flops.
Naturally I'm not going to share my business secrets - or more specifically the keywords I bid on or the programs I promote. But, I am willing to share what's working and what isn't.
A success tip . . .
What I've found to be most successful is bidding on keywords that are very specific. For example . . .
truck > ford > ford f150
You're going to have the most success going for "ford f150". You'll often find less competition for the more specific keywords that include a product name. Yet, that's also the searcher who knows most clearly what they want. That's a searcher who is most likely to buy.
You see, most people are conditioned to think "More traffic is good." To be successful with AdWords you should start with the thinking "Targeted traffic is good." I want to pay for as little traffic as possible that will buy as much product as possible.
When I go with these specific terms - and this can apply to any product - I almost always have a conversion rate of around 5%. That means out of every 100 clicks I pay for, 5 of those people buy. That's pretty darn good.
I have one program I promote that pays a $30 commission which provides me with income from $1100-1500 per month. I bid on the name of the program and the company name (careful, some companies forbade using trademarked names in your campaigns - but most don't).
A flop . . .
You really don't know until you've had about 300 clicks, whether or not something is going to be profitable or not. Last year I decided to expand out of my comfort zone and go after keyword terms related to "dental plans".
After finding that had an earnings per click of $45.00 (that's actually earnings per 100 clicks), I thought, hey this is a no-brainer. I pay .05 per click, or $5 per 100 clicks and I should make $45 in return.
So, I created an account with "Kanoodle" (a mistake?) and paid for 600 clicks. And I had ZERO sales??
What did I learn?
1. "dental plans" is probably too general of a keyword.
2. is not, in my opinion, a site that would convert very well - but they do have an EPC of $45.
3. I left the selling up to - you usually will have far better results if you create your own sales site as an intermediary. See The Abundance Course (my site) and Whispered Weight Loss Secrets (not my site) as good examples of affiliate sites that take on doing the selling themselves. By the way, I the got idea for going to this level with affiliate sales from Nitro Marketings Success Secrets of $100,000 per Year Affiliates - highly recommended reading for any affiliate marketer.
So there you have it.
Best wishes, John
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Anonymous, at 5:25 PM
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