Put Your "Secret Salesman" to Work
Real marketing success begins to happen when you look beyond the first sale. I think this is an excellent article from Russell Brunson that outlines exactly how he does that..
My name is Russell Brunson. I thought that I'd send an article that I wrote for the members of my website. I put it into an ebook called "Secret Salesman" that you can download at www.freesoftwaremonthly.com/paid/members/secretsalesman.zip
Here it goes:
This one principle that is so powerful and yet so simple that it will literally increase your profits by 300-500% without you putting in any extra time or money! It still amazes me that almost no one is using it.
So, what is this secret? It will almost sound too simple when you first hear it, but read on and I promise that you will be changing the way you do business forever. The secret is in download pages.
When I first started looking for a way to make money online, I purchased the resell rights to a new software program, and placed an ad on eBay. I was so excited when I saw the first person bid. When the auction ended, I was shocked to see I had made almost twice what I had though I would make! After I received the payment, I emailed the software program to my customer, and never heard from them again.
Looking back I see many HUGE mistakes that I have since corrected. I will explain what I do now, and hopefully you will see exactly why it is so powerful.
After I make a sale of any digital product now, instead of sending someone the program in the email, or sending them the download link, I send them to a download page. The download page has become the most powerful marketing tool that I have ever laid my hands on. Let me explain.
When someone goes to a download page, they have a different mindset than someone who is surfing the net. When you are surfing, looking at auctions, or whatever, you probably spend about 10 seconds on a page, and if they haven't sold you by then, you usually leave. When you go to a download page, you are done surfing, you have made the purchase, and you want to get everything that you can out of your purchase. When you buy something from someone, you look at EVERYTHING that is written on the page. Often I read and re-read to make sure that I haven't missed anything.
On my download pages I always include a few things.
The product that they ordered. They bought it, and they want it.
A bonus product. The bonus product or products HAVE to have something in them that will make YOU money. Don't put someone else's ebook on that page, unless you can brand it with your information. You don't want to help someone else advertise unless you are getting something back for it.
ALWAYS have a sign-up form for your ezine or newsletter. If you don't have this, then you are losing the most prime customers that you will every find. Think about it, they have already purchased something from you, AND you already know that they are willing to spend money. They want you to send them more offers so that they can give you more money. THESE are the people that you need on your opt-in list!
You need to have an upsale. For example, if they just purchased a book about autoresponders, you should also give them an option to buy your new autoreponder software at a HUGE discount. You can also direct them to an affiliate program that sales a product that complements yours. This is a very easy way to quickly increase your profit.
The last step, and by far the most important is to have the upgrade option. This feature has brought me more money than all of the other features combined. If you are selling any type of digital product, PAY ATTENTION. This trick WILL make sure that ANY customer that you ever have, will send you $10.00 for the rest of your life! Picture this. You just finished buying a digital product. You are so excited because you received such a great deal on the product. Then you go to the download page. You start to download the product. While it's downloading, you notice this: Did you know that you could have receive this product as well as 400 more for FREE!?! Click Here for more information.
I then have a link to my website or affiliates can put their link here. My members use this, but you could put an upgrade option for any membership program that pays you monthly. Make sure that you give them an option that is impossible to refuse!
I hope that this give you a few ideas.
Russell Brunson
My name is Russell Brunson. I thought that I'd send an article that I wrote for the members of my website. I put it into an ebook called "Secret Salesman" that you can download at www.freesoftwaremonthly.com/paid/members/secretsalesman.zip
Here it goes:
So, what is this secret? It will almost sound too simple when you first hear it, but read on and I promise that you will be changing the way you do business forever. The secret is in download pages.
When I first started looking for a way to make money online, I purchased the resell rights to a new software program, and placed an ad on eBay. I was so excited when I saw the first person bid. When the auction ended, I was shocked to see I had made almost twice what I had though I would make! After I received the payment, I emailed the software program to my customer, and never heard from them again.
Looking back I see many HUGE mistakes that I have since corrected. I will explain what I do now, and hopefully you will see exactly why it is so powerful.
After I make a sale of any digital product now, instead of sending someone the program in the email, or sending them the download link, I send them to a download page. The download page has become the most powerful marketing tool that I have ever laid my hands on. Let me explain.
When someone goes to a download page, they have a different mindset than someone who is surfing the net. When you are surfing, looking at auctions, or whatever, you probably spend about 10 seconds on a page, and if they haven't sold you by then, you usually leave. When you go to a download page, you are done surfing, you have made the purchase, and you want to get everything that you can out of your purchase. When you buy something from someone, you look at EVERYTHING that is written on the page. Often I read and re-read to make sure that I haven't missed anything.
On my download pages I always include a few things.
The product that they ordered. They bought it, and they want it.
A bonus product. The bonus product or products HAVE to have something in them that will make YOU money. Don't put someone else's ebook on that page, unless you can brand it with your information. You don't want to help someone else advertise unless you are getting something back for it.
ALWAYS have a sign-up form for your ezine or newsletter. If you don't have this, then you are losing the most prime customers that you will every find. Think about it, they have already purchased something from you, AND you already know that they are willing to spend money. They want you to send them more offers so that they can give you more money. THESE are the people that you need on your opt-in list!
You need to have an upsale. For example, if they just purchased a book about autoresponders, you should also give them an option to buy your new autoreponder software at a HUGE discount. You can also direct them to an affiliate program that sales a product that complements yours. This is a very easy way to quickly increase your profit.
The last step, and by far the most important is to have the upgrade option. This feature has brought me more money than all of the other features combined. If you are selling any type of digital product, PAY ATTENTION. This trick WILL make sure that ANY customer that you ever have, will send you $10.00 for the rest of your life! Picture this. You just finished buying a digital product. You are so excited because you received such a great deal on the product. Then you go to the download page. You start to download the product. While it's downloading, you notice this: Did you know that you could have receive this product as well as 400 more for FREE!?! Click Here for more information.
I then have a link to my website or affiliates can put their link here. My members use this, but you could put an upgrade option for any membership program that pays you monthly. Make sure that you give them an option that is impossible to refuse!
I hope that this give you a few ideas.
Russell Brunson
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