Squeeze This!
I hate to brag, but you know, there are things I've been telling you in my blog for over a year now - that the "big" marketers are now selling as "hot new information". They probably read about it here.
[ And the reason they're big marketers and I'm not is I should be selling you this info - like they are]
So, I admit to being a non-methodical mess at times. And I admit that I don't squeeze profits like I should. And, I even admit that I don't always follow my own advice.
I guess I've always seen myself as the crazy-haired, rebel, mad scientist - not anything like the scientist from Gillagan's Island. I throw a lot of stuff on the wall and sometimes what sticks is sun-baked brick-hard before I get back to it.
I've sold a boat load of a certain, specific program over the past 3 years. Literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth. But crafting my own name squeeze page just eluded me. What the hell did I have say? Besides, my system worked even if I knew that gaining a few email addresses here and there would mean a lot more money in my pocket.
So, I finally got off the dime in June and went to work on turning dimes into dollars.
Yee-haw! B - I - N - G - O
My subscription rate really sucks - like I said, my creative genius has left the building on this one. But, I put that aside and I'm going for it anyway. No decline in sales on the product and even with a crummy subscribe rate of about 18% (crummy is a kind word) I've been adding 280 subscribers per month who are looking for something VERY specific. So, while I've been trying to get my head out of my arse, 900 new subscribers have populated my autoresponder system.
Still, for two months I just looked on and said "Hey, cool. Now what?" I don't know why, but the follow-up just seemed to float right over my head.
Then it hit me; 95% of these people aren't buying and price is the reason . . . can anyone say "Cheaper alternative?"
Finally, John got his groove back. :-) Please DO NOT try to picture that.
People hold different levels of resistance to buying. Price is the primary EXCUSE. I say excuse, because that's usually the conscious reason but rarely the REAL reason. It's more a matter of "internal risk management" ie, fear. If you make a deal risk-free enough (ie, low-cost), then you turn prospects into customers.
So - I'm pitching a $30 alternative to the $160 product they came looking for originally. It's not as good, but it gets them in the door and once they experience the product and use it successfully, I suspect they'll be back for more. And since the alternative offers some interesting twists, I'm sure the people who did buy are sure to buy more.
And the next step? I'm going to create my own cheap alternatives too . . . more on that some other time. The idea came from my buddy Carl Galletti who makes more money giving his products away than selling them.
Tune in next week . . .
Best wishes, John
[ And the reason they're big marketers and I'm not is I should be selling you this info - like they are]
So, I admit to being a non-methodical mess at times. And I admit that I don't squeeze profits like I should. And, I even admit that I don't always follow my own advice.
I guess I've always seen myself as the crazy-haired, rebel, mad scientist - not anything like the scientist from Gillagan's Island. I throw a lot of stuff on the wall and sometimes what sticks is sun-baked brick-hard before I get back to it.
I've sold a boat load of a certain, specific program over the past 3 years. Literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth. But crafting my own name squeeze page just eluded me. What the hell did I have say? Besides, my system worked even if I knew that gaining a few email addresses here and there would mean a lot more money in my pocket.
So, I finally got off the dime in June and went to work on turning dimes into dollars.
Yee-haw! B - I - N - G - O
My subscription rate really sucks - like I said, my creative genius has left the building on this one. But, I put that aside and I'm going for it anyway. No decline in sales on the product and even with a crummy subscribe rate of about 18% (crummy is a kind word) I've been adding 280 subscribers per month who are looking for something VERY specific. So, while I've been trying to get my head out of my arse, 900 new subscribers have populated my autoresponder system.
Still, for two months I just looked on and said "Hey, cool. Now what?" I don't know why, but the follow-up just seemed to float right over my head.
Then it hit me; 95% of these people aren't buying and price is the reason . . . can anyone say "Cheaper alternative?"
Finally, John got his groove back. :-) Please DO NOT try to picture that.
People hold different levels of resistance to buying. Price is the primary EXCUSE. I say excuse, because that's usually the conscious reason but rarely the REAL reason. It's more a matter of "internal risk management" ie, fear. If you make a deal risk-free enough (ie, low-cost), then you turn prospects into customers.
So - I'm pitching a $30 alternative to the $160 product they came looking for originally. It's not as good, but it gets them in the door and once they experience the product and use it successfully, I suspect they'll be back for more. And since the alternative offers some interesting twists, I'm sure the people who did buy are sure to buy more.
And the next step? I'm going to create my own cheap alternatives too . . . more on that some other time. The idea came from my buddy Carl Galletti who makes more money giving his products away than selling them.
Tune in next week . . .
Best wishes, John
Hi Bob -
I appreciate your feedback. :-)
Thank you and best wishes, John
X, at 12:03 PM
Hi John R. Barker,
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Yours in Success
Anonymous, at 8:54 AM
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