Perry Marshall - Google Adwords
Daily Budget: Use to Prevent Disasters, not control your spend
Valuable Secret: Control your spend with bid prices, not daily budget
Trick: Advertise everywhere, but exclude ads from running in the state where your competitor is so they'll never see it.
Test and track and continue to improve
2 google ads
2 opt-in pages
2 sales letters
Do market research with someone else's product
Establish metrics, optimize ad copy, determine demand
Make a profit with no hassles
Acquire intimate knowledge of customers and traffic patterns
Spy on Competitors
Valuable Secret: Control your spend with bid prices, not daily budget
Trick: Advertise everywhere, but exclude ads from running in the state where your competitor is so they'll never see it.
Test and track and continue to improve
2 google ads
2 opt-in pages
2 sales letters
Do market research with someone else's product
Establish metrics, optimize ad copy, determine demand
Make a profit with no hassles
Acquire intimate knowledge of customers and traffic patterns
Spy on Competitors
Hi John R. Barker,
Why would I want to give 100 people like you, F*ree access to my $97 value life changing product? Because I am launching my new product and need social proof of it's ability to make money, even for newbies to the internet.
Discover how you can make money from internet marketing before this unique time limited promotional offer is withdrawn.
Yours in Success
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM
Nice blog!! I'm into web site traffic video and to drive traffic to my website I signed up free for this superb traffic gereating tool - I now have loads of hits to my websites and blogs. This can see your affiliate commission shoot through the roof - meaning lots of extra money coming in for you and your family. Sign up now - it's free.. Best of luck, cheers for now, dave.
Anonymous, at 2:57 AM
The Google adwords is the best cost per click marketing method that can help the businesses to generate higher revenues. I am also very much interested to use this technique for my arts blog because it is not six months old and has good content but still not getting right amount of traffic and this is why I am going to hire the Adwords Campaign Management service. I am sure this technique would help me out.
Vomail, at 3:08 AM
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