Ken Giddens - Talk Two
Bill replacement
- Pick a bill; build a website that replaces that bill.
Underachiever Method
- Get 400 people on a teleseminar
- Do this by making friends
- Find a between the sheets position
- Picked topic of "dog agility"; Call site owner, make pitch on trying to promote dog agility
- Get 4 people on the call; everybody wants to one-up the other so they give away their best stuff.
- Use an Ask Campaign to develop a list of questions
- 45 minutes into call take a break say "Glad I recorded this call" sells the recording of the call plus a transcription for $25 - gets a 40-50% buy rate.
- Then follow-up with the people who promoted the free call, and offer them 50% of sales for promoting it.
With Nicheology, build two sites; break one into articles that feed the other which sells the ebook.
- tries to break into 52 articles - 52 weekly newsletter topics
Put the ebook on Ebay to build your opt-in list
- You can even point visitors to Ebay to buy the book from your content site.
Q: How do you choose your niches?
A: I don't choose the niches - they choose me. What happens if you take something really stupid and really obscure? Would the business model still work? NOTE: If it's a good model, it will.
Got into the horse niche by selling personalized rope. Wasn't getting enough traffic, so decided to build sites on subjects related to the people who would buy the product - horses, boats, etc. Anyone who'd be interested in buying rope.
- Display ads; advertiser supplies a number of tips; tips have keyword rich links; tips rotate
Forums create good search content
Every page has a job; get 20 visitors per day. With 52 pages you get 1040 visitors per day.
Include, at the bottom of every article, "Did you find the information you ar looking for?"
- see bottom of for example
Q: How long does it take to get the site making $30 per day?
A: Depends; sometimes quicker than others.
Put a search box on the site so you can see what people are thinking about on your site;
Puts a directory on every site; people add their listing; that creates unique pages; targets specific SEO terms
Costs are about $2500 to put up a site including having content written, graphics, autoresponder, etc. Goal is $300 per month - $10 per day from the site.
Do the research and mastermind the site, then outsource the building of the site. Can easily do 2 sites per month.
When you look at listings in Google that don't have a description (looking at your pages in), that's usually an indication there's a duplicate content penalty.
Bill replacement
- Pick a bill; build a website that replaces that bill.
Underachiever Method
- Get 400 people on a teleseminar
- Do this by making friends
- Find a between the sheets position
- Picked topic of "dog agility"; Call site owner, make pitch on trying to promote dog agility
- Get 4 people on the call; everybody wants to one-up the other so they give away their best stuff.
- Use an Ask Campaign to develop a list of questions
- 45 minutes into call take a break say "Glad I recorded this call" sells the recording of the call plus a transcription for $25 - gets a 40-50% buy rate.
- Then follow-up with the people who promoted the free call, and offer them 50% of sales for promoting it.
With Nicheology, build two sites; break one into articles that feed the other which sells the ebook.
- tries to break into 52 articles - 52 weekly newsletter topics
Put the ebook on Ebay to build your opt-in list
- You can even point visitors to Ebay to buy the book from your content site.
Q: How do you choose your niches?
A: I don't choose the niches - they choose me. What happens if you take something really stupid and really obscure? Would the business model still work? NOTE: If it's a good model, it will.
Got into the horse niche by selling personalized rope. Wasn't getting enough traffic, so decided to build sites on subjects related to the people who would buy the product - horses, boats, etc. Anyone who'd be interested in buying rope.
- Display ads; advertiser supplies a number of tips; tips have keyword rich links; tips rotate
Forums create good search content
Every page has a job; get 20 visitors per day. With 52 pages you get 1040 visitors per day.
Include, at the bottom of every article, "Did you find the information you ar looking for?"
- see bottom of for example
Q: How long does it take to get the site making $30 per day?
A: Depends; sometimes quicker than others.
Put a search box on the site so you can see what people are thinking about on your site;
Puts a directory on every site; people add their listing; that creates unique pages; targets specific SEO terms
Costs are about $2500 to put up a site including having content written, graphics, autoresponder, etc. Goal is $300 per month - $10 per day from the site.
Do the research and mastermind the site, then outsource the building of the site. Can easily do 2 sites per month.
When you look at listings in Google that don't have a description (looking at your pages in), that's usually an indication there's a duplicate content penalty.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Anonymous, at 7:04 PM
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