AdWords Income

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Google Adsense Webinar

3 posts in a day?! Feast or famine.

I thought you might be interested in this transcript from a webinar Google recently held to answer questions about Adsense. It might be useful for optimizing your Adsense income if you're playing that side of the game -

Google Adsense Webinar Transcript


  • I am doing some research on various keyword research tools programss and ran across this page. It's not "exactly" what I am looking for, but I think your readers may be interested in reading my keyword research tools reviews at Keyword Research Reviews. The more information people have before spending their money -- the better! Sorry for the self promotion, just trying to get the word out while looking for sites to review. On to the next -- thanks!

    By Blogger AutoPilot, at 6:28 PM  

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