A Few of My Favorite Internet Marketing Tools . . .
I really don't promote much on this blog. I prefer sharing ideas, generally.
As I've shared in the past, I originated this blog to push my own learning curve with Adwords and PPC advertising. I'll always come back to that base, because it's my bread and butter money-maker.
But, because I've had some success I can afford to buy my favorite toys: Internet marketing software. I spend way too much on this stuff; some of it I use once or twice and forget I have.
Here are some I use on a regular basis.
Article Bot - I couldn't get my credit card out fast enough to pay $497 for a one-year license. It took me six months to learn how to use it effectively (some life events, like my house burning down, played a role in that). But I love this software. A minimal part of my online income comes from Adsense, but it's the most fun. Article Bot is a page generator like nothing else on the market. Period. The rest of it is crap, though crap I've loved. It's like dating a supermodel, I guess. One gets spoiled and good looking women never look quite as good again.
Keyword Locator Plus - Because of my approach to PPC and building Adsense web sites, I really like the program best of all I've tried. I call it the 3D version of Adword Analyzer. It gives tons more information and I've been profitable with it. I use this program almost every day, regardless of what I do. I've been working on some video tutorials - useful if you own the program or not - where I show you how do some of my research.
SEO Elite - This is my latest toy, but it has me excited about doing more organic SEO. Using this software, I now know exactly what it will take to unseat my #1 competitor on Google. It's nowhere near what I thought it would be - and I'm excited. Domination in paid listings AND organic is the knock-out punch I'm after.
What else . . .
Camtasia. I tried Instant Video Generator, but there were bugs in it for me. I'm using Camtasia to create training videos that I'm offering to subscribers - better than the series of thin content "e-courses" or retread ebooks everyone else is offering. Check out http://keywordlocatorplus.com for a peek at how I use Camtasia to give good information while encouraging people to buy that affiliate product I'm promoting.
These are the tools you'll find open on my computer most of the time. Check them out if they sound interesting to you.
Best wishes, John
As I've shared in the past, I originated this blog to push my own learning curve with Adwords and PPC advertising. I'll always come back to that base, because it's my bread and butter money-maker.
But, because I've had some success I can afford to buy my favorite toys: Internet marketing software. I spend way too much on this stuff; some of it I use once or twice and forget I have.
Here are some I use on a regular basis.
Article Bot - I couldn't get my credit card out fast enough to pay $497 for a one-year license. It took me six months to learn how to use it effectively (some life events, like my house burning down, played a role in that). But I love this software. A minimal part of my online income comes from Adsense, but it's the most fun. Article Bot is a page generator like nothing else on the market. Period. The rest of it is crap, though crap I've loved. It's like dating a supermodel, I guess. One gets spoiled and good looking women never look quite as good again.
Keyword Locator Plus - Because of my approach to PPC and building Adsense web sites, I really like the program best of all I've tried. I call it the 3D version of Adword Analyzer. It gives tons more information and I've been profitable with it. I use this program almost every day, regardless of what I do. I've been working on some video tutorials - useful if you own the program or not - where I show you how do some of my research.
SEO Elite - This is my latest toy, but it has me excited about doing more organic SEO. Using this software, I now know exactly what it will take to unseat my #1 competitor on Google. It's nowhere near what I thought it would be - and I'm excited. Domination in paid listings AND organic is the knock-out punch I'm after.
What else . . .
Camtasia. I tried Instant Video Generator, but there were bugs in it for me. I'm using Camtasia to create training videos that I'm offering to subscribers - better than the series of thin content "e-courses" or retread ebooks everyone else is offering. Check out http://keywordlocatorplus.com for a peek at how I use Camtasia to give good information while encouraging people to buy that affiliate product I'm promoting.
These are the tools you'll find open on my computer most of the time. Check them out if they sound interesting to you.
Best wishes, John
Gee Leonard. How do I feel about you blatantly using my blog to build inbound links to your site and promote your product?
Just fine, I guess. :-)
Actually, I think that "internet marketing and advertising company" are terms that us solo-giggers stand little hope of ranking highly for. And those terms really have nothing to do with what you're trying to sell. Why not use anchor text like - "blog link submission" or "blog submit url"?
You should keep an eye out for my upcoming release of Adsense Income. Even though it has little relevance to our conversation, I thought I'd get an extra link in for myself.
Best wishes, John
X, at 9:55 PM
Great stuff. And I love this blog comments feature. I´ll be back for more adsense
marketing tips
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Wow this blog rocks!
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David Ogden, at 9:31 AM
John, I enjoy keeping up with your posts here. Since I use the Firefox browser most of the time, I thought I'd share a firefox extension called, SEOpen that I've been using lately. It's a free extension and has some pretty nifty features.
Here's a snippet taken from their web page to give a little example of the way it works:
SEOpen features are all accessed through right-clicking an open area on a web page.
All the best, Josh Hinds :-)
Josh Hinds, at 3:33 PM
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