AdWords Income

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Adwords Income Update

What's news?

The new Google Adwords changes that are supposed to be "the biggest Internet shockwave" since the last one, or all time, or whatever some "clever" marketer is try to coerce you into believing.

My thoughts?

I really don't see how it's going to make more than a hill of beans difference, if that.


Really, it's just cleared up some confusion about "on hold" and "in trial". Those were Google's way of saying "We don't think this ad is going to make US any money and we don't want to waste our resources with it hanging around."

Since there was already, more or less, a cutoff of the top 30 advertisers for any keyword phrase what's going to change by instituting a minimum bid? Nothing. It was already happening. Now the "net effect" is just more clear.

So, what have I been up to - that you'd be at all interested in?

1. I'm creating my own affiliate training course. I think the available information on how to be successful as an affiliate is lacking. The number one best-seller for the past 2 or 3 years on the subject is . . . not very good, in my opinion, so I've decided to create a course that's highly comprehensive and that just kicks the butt off anything available - that I've seen. It's tentatively labeled "The Affiliate Super Plan". I'm working with a small group now and they're raking me over the coals for information.

2. A year ago I heard Perry Marshall say there are just three things you need to do, and improve on, to dominate your market. I'm finally "doing it":

1. Run two ads
2. Have two opt-in forms
3. Have two sales pages

And constantly split-test them! Through split-testing you stay in a continual process of improving results.

The two big themes at this year's Internet Marketing Superconference were

A. If you aren't split testing, then you're not even in the game.
B. Write and submit articles. Write and submit articles. WRITE AND SUBMIT ARTICLES!

And that was really a summary of the whole conference. It's interesting, actually, that many of the old-school approaches to Internet marketing are coming back into vogue.

So, anyway, I bought a copy of Adtrackz for split testing. It seems easy enough to use, yet comprehensive enough to do the job. So far the results have been interesting - and somewhat surprising.

That's all for now.

Wishing you all the best - John

I Have PROOF You CAN Sell Anything

I find it personally stupifying.

But it's true.

Yes, one of the HOTTEST new fashion fads is . . . BoTox. It's not new. I'm sure you've heard of it.

But do you know what it is? Do you know what "BoTox" stands for?

Well, it's right in the ad. Just below "Botox Cosmetic" and right above

WIN a Luxury

BOTOX stands for Botulinum Toxin!

Botulism is a deadly bacteria often found in canned food that wasn't canned properly.

Toxin - well, do we need to say more.

And while these words, "Botulinum Toxin Type A" are right there in the ad, people STILL BUY THE CRAP.

Maybe my marketing saavy has simply reached a breakthrough level, but it seems that you can sell people ANYTHING if you paint a pretty enough picture - regardless of the evidence.

As a marketer, that's glorious news.

As a human being, it's nothing short of sad and dumbfounding that A) People are so interested in profits they will sell anything and B) People are so desperate for answers that you can literally put in your ad "We're going to inject your lips with a deadly toxin" and they'd still buy it.

Is this an "Only in America" thing?

Please. My conscience needs some relief.


PS - Next time you pick up any food stuff colored pink, look for the ingredient "cochineal". What is cochineal? It's a color derived by crushing cockroaches. You will be shocked by how many foods this is used in. Of course, who the hell knows what "blue #5" actually is. Thanks FDA!

Google Adsense Webinar

3 posts in a day?! Feast or famine.

I thought you might be interested in this transcript from a webinar Google recently held to answer questions about Adsense. It might be useful for optimizing your Adsense income if you're playing that side of the game -

Google Adsense Webinar Transcript

How to Sell More Product With this Ecourse Twist

I was going to post this on a forum, but you know - why should I be giving away my best ideas to the world?

You come here. You read my stuff, good or bad. The best stuff should be for you and you alone.


So someone asked a question, "Do ecourses still work?" The question is asked in the context of "I have an ebook to promote and I'm wondering if this is a good route to go?"

I think it is - but I add my own little twist . . .

Ecourses can work very well. But, I suggest one major modification.

Sales occur on websites. Not in emails.

I have come to think that delivering ecourses by email is a big mistake. Give your visitor what they want - instant gratification. Don't underestimate the greedy desire for instant gratification. I worked for an author who sold a soft-cover book on Amazon for about $14 plus shipping. He sold the same book in ebook format on his site for . . . $29. You wouldn't believe how many people bought that ebook and said "Amazon" was where they found out about the book! They wanted it now and they were willing to pay double for it!

Satiate that Greedy Desire!

So as soon as people subscribe, deliver your ecourse right there and then - right on your site. The "Thank You" page is "Lesson One" They're interested in your product NOW. Don't say "Thank You. Be sure to watch for the email you have a 50% chance of never receiving."

I think it's a tremendous mistake to put off going for the sale by then saying, "OK Mr. Prospect, I'm going to dribble the information you want RIGHT NOW out for the next week or two." Follow up - YES. But give your best shot while you have your customer's full attention. Because as effective as follow-up email is, it has to compete with 100 other distractions.

It's like having a fish on the hook, then throwing it back in the water thinking -"Hey, I'll feed you some more bait when the other fishermen get here." I guess if you really want the challenge, go for it!

And beside, what a shock it must be to actually receive the information that's been promised - instead of "Thank You" page! That's the norm. That's what everyone does and so it's what everyone expects.

Shock 'em.

I've used this approach for over a year and it works great.

To your success, John

My Second Encounter with Jon Bon Jovi - Sort Of

You may not know it, but when Jon Bon Jovi was in his hey-day as a rock star, I was a young fella working in the White House Situation Room.

And, that was the mix that sparked my first encounter with Jon.

He came into the Situation Room one day, while touring the White House. I just happened to be the first person he encountered.

He extended his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Jon Bon Jovi."

I thought, "No ^%$!"

I extendened my hand and said, "Hi, I'm John Barker."

We shook hands and went our seperate ways. He seemed like a really cool, down to earth guy.

Yesterday, I'm contacted by Jon Bon Jovi's management team.

"You must "cease and decist" using our client's name in association with your product.", says someone sounding somewhat official.


I put my first press release on PRWEB and it hadn't been "out" for three hours. My mild concern over "legal action" was overwhelmed by my excitement that press releases really work! I mean, I didn't just get my article on a few web sites nobody visits - I get contacted by the management team of the biggest rock-star of the 80's.

So, I did edit my press release to remove Jon's name. He does use the product I'm promoting and his name is prominently on the merchant's web site. It has been for months. But, hey. I'm not going to mess with Jon. While I'm not a big fan of his music - it's good, sure. I am a fan of the person. (I was an Ozzy fan then, so Bon Jovi was a little tame and "poppy" for me)

Later in the day I also happened to be on a website using RSS feeds - and again, there was my little press release prominently displayed. It seemed an unlikely place. Very, very cool.

So, if you've wondered if PR Web works, it surely seems it does. Time will tell if the $30 contribution I forked over for some additional exposure pays off. But so far, I'm thinking "Gee, I should have tried this a long time ago."

You might think about it too.

Best wishes, John

My Boss Said, "You're Fired" . . . and I Laughed

Hey, I love the title. It's not quite true. It was a calculated gamble and I knew what I was doing - even though I probably wouldn't do it that way again.

Yesterday, my wife and I celebrated. What was a ridiculously overdue life-long dream finally became a reality.

We became proud owners of our first home.

So, I'm hoping you're wondering what the connection is here. I'm trying to be a clever copywriter; that's my new goal.

Two years ago we had about $1200 in the bank; we had a nine-month-old baby; we had $650 per month of dependable income when the boss said to "Get out!"

Of that $650, about $300 of it came from promoting affiliate products using Overture pay-per-click advertising. I hadn't even ventured into Adwords then. Soon I did, and the rest of the story brings us up to date.

I'm torn on "bragging" about what I make or what I own. Who cares, really? I know there will always be a bigger fish waiting to swallow me whole; and I know to somebody, somewhere, I'll always be the envy of their eye.

That's true for all but 2 of us. :-)

Things can change quickly; very quickly. And while my two-year "rags to riches" Internet marketing story sounds good - I like the four-and-a-half-month "rags to riches" story even better.

That's how long ago, already, it's been since we woke up with our kitchen fully ablaze. 20-minutes after that, 90% of everything we owned was gone. What was left was permanently infused with the nauseating smell of smoke.

And no, we didn't have insurance.

Friends and family rallied around us; and, we rallied ourselves. It was beyond anything having to do with "positive thinking". It was a matter of survival, a belief in something undeniably greater than our mortal selves and "releasing".

No matter where you are today, your life can totally morph into anything you want - overnight. And the Internet can play a role in that, beyond what you might feel possible in this moment.

Keep searching - keep dreaming big dreams - keep believing you can.

You can.

Best wishes, John