AdWords Income

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Friday, June 24, 2005

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Friday, June 03, 2005

Perry Marshall - Google Adwords

Daily Budget: Use to Prevent Disasters, not control your spend
Valuable Secret: Control your spend with bid prices, not daily budget

Trick: Advertise everywhere, but exclude ads from running in the state where your competitor is so they'll never see it.

Test and track and continue to improve
2 google ads
2 opt-in pages
2 sales letters

Do market research with someone else's product
Establish metrics, optimize ad copy, determine demand
Make a profit with no hassles
Acquire intimate knowledge of customers and traffic patterns
Spy on Competitors

Morgan Westerman

Buzz Marketing

Took an email that people were passing around and turned it into a flash presentation.

If you ever want people to get people spread the word, tell them to keep it a secret.

Started getting 40,000 visitors per day with zero promotion.

People started asking to buy it; did a poll to see how much they wanted to pay.

What is Buzz?

Capturing the attention of consumers and the media to thpoint where talking about your brand becomes enteraiging fascingnation and newsworthy. - Mark Hughes

"enthusiastic, positive gossip"

Word of mouth
referral marketing
viral marketing
advertising - businesses talking to people
publicity - the media talking to people
Buzz is people talking to people

What makes someone willing to give a referral?
Why do people share a product or service?

- People buzz because it makes them look good - people want to look good.
- Everybody wants to be fascinating and interesting.

Make your product a part of the communication process.

Have your customers interact.
- He uses a guest book; didn't want forum debates to manage.

Prompt your customers to spread the word.

The NEEDS of an effective Buzz Campaign

Novelty - Different or unique, taboos, outrageous, hilarious, remarkable, secret.
Efficacy - Usefullness. Meets a need for the one being referred.
Economy - Value, convenience, time saved - not just expensive.
Dependability - Works as promised, every time.
Simplicity - Ease of transfer

The Four Steps to Turning Visitors into Evangelists

1. Know who your target audience is.
2. Know how they're finding your website.
3. Know what specific action you want them to take.
4. Know what is the FEELING your visitors need to feel in order for them to want t share your website (product/service/brand)?

Your customers aren't buying what they think they're buying!

What is the feeling under what the visitor thinks they're buying for?

Can you sell ANYTHING by creating an emotion?

screensaver software

stock photography

free images

free music - tell a friend pro

Mark Hendricks

I'm a nice guy - I took over camera again. I heard Mark's presentation last year - and it's good stuff about doing Joint Venture's. Mark's approach is simple: develop good relationships by looking at for those people who are going to be successful with or without you - but on their way up, lend a hand and more often than not they're going to help you when they achieve success themself.

Jim Edwards is up next . . .

John Carlton on Copywriting

John Carlton - One of the Top Copywriters Anywhere

John's presentation was AWESOME - phenomal stuff; powerful speaker. You'll love this information.

The Shortcuts to Writing Great Copy

Divide 167 by 3
Picture a pile of money that represents how much money you need to retire
Imagine a pleasant sexual memory

These touch each part of the thinking brain.

Connect and bond with the reader
Copywriting can get you ANYTHING you want in life

"I have moved online because that's where the action is."

Build your list and occassionally ask them to buy things from you.

The basics of selling never change.

The web is just another delivery system for your sales message.

Copy is King

It is the nature of all advertising that your message will face continual difficulties getting through. - Blog

Secrets of a good blog (It doubled his sales, even though he's not selling on his blog)
1. Content
2. Personality

Salesmanship is the most overlooked part of every business.

You need multiple ways to reach people; Intel, Apple and HP had a conference last year to talk about the collapse of the Internet - the infrustructure, as it is, can only handle so many people.

When you imagine your prospect, imagine them as impossibly unlikely to take action as possible; your job is to get them to move.

Three kinds of copy

Bad - will kill your business
Mediocre - heartbreak copy; you know you're doing about 10% what you could be doing.
World class - write your own ticket.

The Hook

Do sales detective work; interview people; understand what about the product grabs people.

Make a story out of the product.

Amazing Secret Discovered by One Legged Golfer . . .

Headlines are almost unbelievable - they're always true. Then you need to back it up and prove it true.

What is the gossip? What are the rumors about the product? Do some spy work.

Nothing happens until the copy gets read.

Con men are the best salesmen; street sales people are next best.

People are greedy; tap into their greedy desires.

Don't be embarrassed to ask for the sale - if you have a good product, it's your job to ask the prospect to try it.

If your product is good, make your guarantee long. Year long guarantee - lifetime. If the product is any good, guarantee it.

Discover the astonishing secrets of the most respected, knowledgable, and successful _______ in the world.


Almost Nobody - Almost Everyone
Cold, Hard Reality - Magic (the closer to believable magic, the better you'll sell)

The biggest mistake is to not keep asking people who buy to buy something else. Never stop asking.

Most people don't keep track of their best stories. The best way to construct a hook is the "incongruous juxtaposition of compelling elements" - the underdog who won it all, the ugly guy who got the girl, the high school dropout who became a billionaire, the skinny guy who hit the ball farther,

Bonding with your reader; share passion, use slang, talk as though you're sitting with them at a bar.

Stop trying to elevate yourself above your prospects.

Nothing happens until your ad gets written.

The best secret of the richest:

Never re-invent the wheel, find out what the market already wants, find out how other marketers get them to buy, then do it.

Ken Giddens - Talk Two

Bill replacement

- Pick a bill; build a website that replaces that bill.

Underachiever Method

- Get 400 people on a teleseminar

- Do this by making friends

- Find a between the sheets position

- Picked topic of "dog agility"; Call site owner, make pitch on trying to promote dog agility

- Get 4 people on the call; everybody wants to one-up the other so they give away their best stuff.

- Use an Ask Campaign to develop a list of questions

- 45 minutes into call take a break say "Glad I recorded this call" sells the recording of the call plus a transcription for $25 - gets a 40-50% buy rate.

- Then follow-up with the people who promoted the free call, and offer them 50% of sales for promoting it.

With Nicheology, build two sites; break one into articles that feed the other which sells the ebook.

- tries to break into 52 articles - 52 weekly newsletter topics

Put the ebook on Ebay to build your opt-in list

- You can even point visitors to Ebay to buy the book from your content site.

Q: How do you choose your niches?

A: I don't choose the niches - they choose me. What happens if you take something really stupid and really obscure? Would the business model still work? NOTE: If it's a good model, it will.

Got into the horse niche by selling personalized rope. Wasn't getting enough traffic, so decided to build sites on subjects related to the people who would buy the product - horses, boats, etc. Anyone who'd be interested in buying rope.



- Display ads; advertiser supplies a number of tips; tips have keyword rich links; tips rotate

Forums create good search content

Every page has a job; get 20 visitors per day. With 52 pages you get 1040 visitors per day.

Include, at the bottom of every article, "Did you find the information you ar looking for?"

- see bottom of for example

Q: How long does it take to get the site making $30 per day?

A: Depends; sometimes quicker than others.

Put a search box on the site so you can see what people are thinking about on your site;

Puts a directory on every site; people add their listing; that creates unique pages; targets specific SEO terms

Costs are about $2500 to put up a site including having content written, graphics, autoresponder, etc. Goal is $300 per month - $10 per day from the site.

Do the research and mastermind the site, then outsource the building of the site. Can easily do 2 sites per month.

When you look at listings in Google that don't have a description (looking at your pages in), that's usually an indication there's a duplicate content penalty.

Bob Chambers - Make money with Multimedia

The Multimedia Guy |

Why Multimedia?

- People learn more

- Multimedia gets results

- John Reese sold >$1,000,000 in 24 hours

- Frank Kern and Ed Dale sold >$849,000 in 24 hours

- 643% increase in company sales for a couple who started using multimedia

- Another site got an extra 250+ visitors per day

- 82.4% of people prefer audio AND video

Think about anything you want to learn . . .

Would you rather read about it?

Or would you rather learn by watching a video?

Multimedia Money - Ways to Make Money with Multimedia

- ebooks, add in

- memberships sites

- "how to" and training tutorials

- ecourses

- mini-courses

- software tutorials

- convert existing ebooks to multimedia

You Can Do It

- Need an Audio Video Screen Recorder

- Many choices; Bob's choice is Camtasia

- Need a microphone; Radio Shack 30-13; plugs into computer, clips to shirt

- Need a computer

Free Stuff

- How to setup the Camtasia Recorder

- Other free videos at

Free newsletter at

CUT TO D E M O of Bob Demonstrating how to use Camtasia

- Use a screen size of 640x480

- Color Cop is a cool little free tool

- Record at the lowest numbers possible - 1 frame per second; 11.o5 hz mono for audio if possible; don't select MP3 as audio type

Mike Filsaime - Marketing Super Conference

Sorry - I don't have notes for Mike. I took over camera for Mike's session. I'll do what I can to come up with some because his presentation was truly excellent stuff. I had NO clue how much Mike makes - extreme money.

Mike's presentation was all about how Mike is making big money using free, viral membershipship sites to build huge email lists fast. He had a lot of great ideas to offer - fresh stuff I haven't heard before.

The BIG learning theme I've taken away today is how much money there is - back end - by giving away truly valuable tools, content, software, memberships, etc. to derive traffic, inbound links and subscribers. The bar has been raised - rinky dink ebooks and 5-lesson courses just aren't enough anymore. Well, at least they're pulling power is nowhere near what you could be pulling by putting some money into something of REAL H-O-T perceived value.

This will probably be the last post for today.

Signing off . . . John R. Barker

Michel Fortin - Internet Marketing Super Conference

Michel Fortin - Master Internet copywriter. This stuff is excellent. You're going to love it. And there's so much of it, my fingers are actually getting tired!

The info came so fast that the best I can do is offer the highlights - if you could see the slides that go along with this, it'd be even better.

Clunky copy outsells clean copy.

Traffic Secrets copy -

Proof! - Powerful one word headline

Underachiever Mastery -

One thing all these have in common (besides written by Michel? Testing)

Copy Elements to Test in order of importance

1. Headline

2. The Awareness Stages


- Oblivious - are they aware they have a problem?

- Apathetic - know they have a problem, but they don't care. Aggravate the problem.

- Thinking - they know they have a problem, they know there's a solution, what makes you unique

- Hurting - they're hurting, they're desperate - marketer's job is to prevent procrastination. People don't know how much they want something until it's about to be taken away from them.

3. Offer

Test different offers, bonuses, approaches, prices.

4. The Lead

The first 2-3 paragraphs







5. Platform

All great copywriters are great storytellers

How you frame your sales presentation.

6. Hook

Something that pulls in and generates curiousity.

7. Subheads

People scan copy for things that stand out.

8. Post-scripts

Use three; the second one pulls the best.

First, summarize offer.

Second, put in some special thing to push the sale through.

Third, remind of guarantee, etc.

9. Call to Action

10. Flow of Copy


Qualify - Does copy qualify the reader?

Understanding - Use empathy

Educate - Talk about your product or service

Stimulate - Build up to final push; build benefits, guarantee, bonuses
Transition - move from reader to buyer. Make apples to oranges comparisons - what are the ultimate costs of not buying? Don't compare to similar products.
11. Reasons why

Why me?

Why you?

Why this?

Why now?

Why this price?

12. Price points

13. Scarcity

How do you limit the offer?

Limit bonuses, free shipping, third party bonuses - think Dell.

14. Risk Reversal

Test guarantees

15. Premiums and Bonuses

16. Value Buildup

17. Bullets

Bullets increase response by catching the interest of skimmers.

18. Order form

19. Product options
20. Language - "dumbing down the copy", handholding. Being explicit in directions about what the reader should do.

The willing suspension of critical thinking - you don't want people thinking critically. Factual info, "about us" is the kiss of death to sales.

21. Grabbers

Popups, Johnson boxes, graphic elements, stop signs

22. Proof elements. Anything to make you copy more believable.

23. Colors

24. Pictures

25. Layout

Use fixed width tables, ONLY.

26. Payment options

27. Delivery method

For $9.95 more, we'll send you a CD copy of this download. 95% went for the upsell.
28. "Thank you" page - highly valuable real estate.

29. Stick copy

Follow-up copy to get the sale to stick.

30. Trial and samples

31. Multimedia

Adding multimedia to order form increased sales DRAMATICALLY


Gary Bencivenga

If, then . . . if you can meet this simple condition then you can . . .

If you have an email account, then you can . . .

Removing a header nearly always increases response. Use a headline only, no graphics.

Headline in red increases response.

Put quotes on your headline. With name, diminished results 11% - but, with a signature graphic increased by 45%.

Add a Salution - Dear Friend, improved 11%.

Add a picture representing the benefit of the offer; picture on left beat picture on right by 22%

White and black background outsold dark blue - those were found to be the best of the best.

Don't put "Order Now" link at top of copy. Any links at top of copy decreases sales.

Add Johnson box; box with dashes outsells box without.

Change your signature, ie, Best regards" to "To increased profits and killer results" something more colorful. Increase results over 250%!

Never say "Order Form" - use "Priority Enrollment Form" or other.

Highlight a key point on the order form in red - increased sales by 3 times over control.

Testing Software Recommended by Michel - type in text, gives you a version that looks like it's handwritten - add in scribbles and notes to your copy.

Convert testimonials into case studies.

Use windowless pop-ups - unblockable.

Ken Giddens - Internet Marketing Super Conference

Buy Source Code
Programmers sell off their valuable work all of the time; they aren't marketers.
Residual income; offer a service
Sonic Memo: $695 for full resale rights - he does $130,000 per year in sales; sells for$97.
Why did I buy resale rights to Sonic Memo?- Links; I don't want crummy recipricol links
Look for things that you can buy to give away.
Give me a high quality link; I want to pay for it. I'll give you this great software that you can use. Give thembonuses, help, whatever - think in their best interest.
You need links imbedded in paragraphs; theme of the site does not matter. Placing the link in a sentence with related terms in close proximity is key. Example from: links to is no need to sit in a classroom for a day with your other traffic school inmates listening to the lady next to you plan her bridal wedding favors for her, oh so unique, upcoming wedding.
Tie in themes; write the article - or have someone at E-lance do it for you. IE, NFL teams, Hawaii, Women's clothing and whatever . . . use that for linking up a number of your sitesfrom one article on another site. Do a trade of some value so those links actually are worth something.
Ken buys a brand new hosting account for EVERY new domain.
Traffic generation software is shortlived; do it if you want. Don't whine when the plug gets pulled because it will sooner or later.
Use synonyms and misspelled words
Go to or and get their images with an affiliate link under them. also has nice free images.
www.webpagedesigntemplates.comOffer a bounty for templates, images, ebook covers, etc. Choose the best design and pay that person.
Start using magazine articles - Enquirer, etc, to write headlines. Test them with Adwords - get your starting ideas there.
You've got to test and track; split testing is the whole game. You can double sales by doubling traffic - or by doubling your conversion rate. Ken uses hitslink.netSummary of Ken's Tests - This is cool
If you're not split testing you are NOT in the game.
Fail quickly - pay for traffic and get failure out of the way so you can test, track and improve.
Meg Autrey
Opinions mean nothing; the only opinion that matters is what your visitor does with their mouse.
You need to know what a server side include is: basically trades out blocks on the page. Every good split test software should include php or server side includes. Visitor needs to be cookied so they always see the same page.
Question: Ken, how do you get your work done?
- Get up early 5:15 every day, to take care of the dogs.- Work for few minutes- Go to Starbucks with dogs- Work a little- Watch West Wing for an hour- Work a little- Wife comes home- Work a little in the evening
Stop thinking about yourself - think about what others want . . . . and bribe 'em!

Carl Galletti - Internet Marketing Super Conference

traffic + product + copy = sales
Having the product, make a special time limited offer that includes a desirablebonus.

YOUR PROSPECT MANTRASso what?who cares?what's in it for me?what is it?why should I believe you?how will it benefit me?


Attention grabbing headline(TEST TEST TEST!!!)
- Seek better headlines
- 5 times as many people read the headlines as the copy - David Ogilvy
- Ads with news recalled by 22% more people than ads without news. - David Ogilvy
- Include helpful information
- Headlines, more than anything else determine the success or failure of an advertisement.
- EXAMPLE: They laughed when I sat down at the piano but when I started play! -
- Study old ads; classics - basics have not changed
- EXAMPLE: Do You Make These Mistakes in English?
- Questions are tricky in headlines if you don't know what you're doing . . .
- "These" is the key word; puts into state - you have to read the ad to know if you make "these" mistakes. Remove that word and they don't get the reasons.

Recommended Book- Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples

Put the Best things you have to say at the beginning of your website
- Don't build to important points; start with them

Keep it simple

Use Specifics
- Odd numbers more believable


Acquiring the first sale is 4-5 times more exmpensive than subsequent sales
- 80% of all major sales occur on or afer your 8th contact


Build Long-term relationships; more important than short-term profit taking


- Be Honest- Prove what you say in a way that is irrefutable
- How can you put the proof in the hands of the customer
- let the customer prove it to them self.
- Back it up with testimonials
- Over deliver; give them more than you promised- Deliver solid content
- Go the extra mile

Copywriting: It's NOT about selling! . . .
- It's the seed of an idea that sparks imagination.
Model ExpertsFollow to Source: What's the Source of the Information
- who did the experts learn from?
The Customer is your marketing expert
Build strong relationshipsIntegrity wins in the long run
Prove what you say - reader verifiable instantly

Internet Marketing Super Conference

Next week I'll be attending my one and only conference of the year (I had to talk HARD to get Tara to let me leave her alone for 5 days with a toddler and an 8-month old! - she must really love me) - the Internet Marketing Super Conference. I've been looking forward to this for months!

The good news for you - if you're not going to be there - is that I'll be posting many of my notes here in the blog.

I learned a ton from last years conference - so much so that I'm only just NOW implenting things that have been on my "to-do" list. Like getting split testing software and planning to use the Ask Database in my marketing. I can honestly say that what I learned - and implemented - from last year has doubled my income.

On to other things . . .

I want to share a real winner with you here (a product endorsement) and a real dud (a product I endorsed in the past, that I currently give my kiss of death rating).

The Rave Review - Jonathan Mizel's Online Marketing Letter

It's $30 per month and so far it's money well spent. It's full of great ideas, delivered in step-by-step bite-sized chunks. I deliberated on this one for a couple of months before I decided to go for it - which to me meant a commitment to really implementing the tactics more than the cost. My hard drive is already full of information I don't use optimally and I'm sure your's is too and that's why I try to keep endorsements focused and limited. A reader wrote me and asked for a recommendation that covered advanced tactics and this is it.

The Dud, Marked by the Kiss of Death

Before I say a word, saying stuff like this is really not what I want to be about. I want everyone to have great products and great success. And in this case I've jumped through a lot of hoops working with the owner to rectify problems. I think the owner is a brilliant guy with a very bright future - sharp, in many ways, well beyond his years (22 or 23).

But when you can actually point to a product LOSING you money, it's not a good thing. And that's why I advise avoiding Clickalyzer. I've had great things to say about the product in the past - I fell in love with it's potential. But after dealing with a string of errors that included causing shopping cart errors with customers TRYING to buy affiliate promotions, links that worked sometimes and not others, and horrifically slow load times on my pages, I had enough.

Then there are the additional irritations, such as getting a "special conference attendee offer" (ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, SAVE SOME DOCUMENTATION - I'll be saving web pages when I buy a product from now on and if I buy anything at the conference I will DEFINITELY keep a copy of the offer, too) only to see it priced for $100 less 2 weeks later, available to anyone. Or forgetting to renew a domain name - which caused the entire network downtime for 2 days. It's a business in chaos, from my POV and that's not good when MY/YOUR business are dependent on it. I've written it off as a less than cheap learning experience - 400 bucks.

So . . . how about a positive note to end on?

Using ideas from Mizel's online marketing letter, I've replaced my old pre-sell page with a page that goes for the "name squeeze". The result is, I'm gaining subscribers at about 15% - not great. But what is great, is that I've tried my own little test and put a banner right below the subscribe form - I'm getting a 20% clickthrough rate on that. That's right - 20% on a banner. And I'm thinking / hoping that my enticement for the subscribe is doing a "to the point" pre-sell in the process. That gives me an idea to try Adsense in that same spot for more lucrative keywords.

I don't know how that banner is impacting my subscribe rate (it's probably not helping - and I DO want the subscribers) - I'll be testing that out with the split testing software.

It's time to get out and enjoy a little sunshine - that's it for now - wishing you all the best,


Just Good Stuff to Much On . . .

I've discovered some great stuff recently and not all of it applies to Adwords, but I think you'll find the information interesting at worst.

First, I want to follow-up on my last post about SEO because I think I've made some key discoveries related to Google.

Last November my buddy Carl Galletti did a little experiment where he offered a prize for anyone who put Top Internet Marketer on their site and linked it to his site - If you do a Google search, who's site is #1 for "top internet marketer"? (Just checked this and today's rank is #4) You can probably guess or I wouldn't be wasting my time.

Now, the infamous "miserable failure" experiment that links to George Bush already illustrated this lesson. Of course, miserable failure doesn't appear on George's site and "top internet marketer" doesn't appear on Carl's. In fact, the words "top" and "marketer" don't even appear on the page.

So, this stresses that inbound text links probably mean more than ANYTHING else when optimizing a page.

Great John - is this news?

Maybe not. But, later in the same day I did a search for "concord mortgage sedona". This is where things get interesting. What came up number one is a site that a friend just launched about 3 months ago. She's an agent, but it was puzzling to me how a new site that doesn't have anything to do, directly, with "concord mortgage sedona" could be #1 on Google.

So I went and I looked deeper. At the bottom of her pages are a number of links - you'll see white text with yellowish text next to them - all links that aren't underlined. These aren't the standard two and three word keyword phrase links - they have a lot of text in them.

So, I put 1+1 together and saw something interesting about Google.

But first I digress a little. Last year at a conference I heard SEO expert Bruce Clay say, "Google rewards the least imperfect page." Now, most of us SEO dabblers consider perfect as the right keywords, in the right places, at the right frequency. But do "miserable failure" and "top internet marketer" hold to that? Nope. And do all of those pages that rank well at Yahoo and MSN hold to that? Not even close.

In Google terms, "the least imperfect page" may just refer to the page that's all about a subject but doesn't say it itself - ie, when the title is the same as the anchor text is the same as the page name is the same as the H1 tags, Google just piles up penalty points which bring the site ranking down. Maybe enough PR brings it back up but that's a balancing factor in a system that appears, to me, to be setup on checks and balances.

So, that's what I have to say about SEO . . .

Now for a cool Adwords idea.

I got this listening to Peter Twist interview Chris Carpenter of Google Cash fame (updated version just released - a good deal). Chris shared some pretty insightful information that I'd never heard him say before. First, he shared that he too recommends staying in a niche - even with Adwords. I think that's great advice.

But, here's why. He says that every product has it's own web of related products and topics. So, he'll sit down and create something akin to a mind map. A mind map starts with a topic at the center, then branches out into related ideas. Just like a web site. So, in his example, he shared that if he wanted to promote a Burt's Bees Wax product (natural products made here in the States with appeal to us people into Organic foods) then there are a number of products that people who buy Burt's also buy - like Dr. Bronner's soap . . . Avalon Organic deodorant . . . Eden Soy Milk . . . Birkenstock's . . . etc.

In all likelihood, some of these brands, you've never heard of. But, since these are all products in my own home, I know that people who buy one probably buy the others too. It's a different take on the Google Adwords 1-2-3 approach.

So, instead of just focusing on the keywords specific to one product, pick up a magazine on a subject - or just look in your wife's toiletry drawer, like I did - and see the connections. You may stumble on some hot new product ideas - or find untapped search phrases to target.

To your success, John